Three-Zee in a Dilemma
by John A. Miller, Jr.
(Three-Zee Series #4)

It's a dilemma. Three-Zee Zook’s best friend, Bambi Bamberger, is having an affair with a ghost. A young maid at the luxurious Mountain Woods resort where both Three-Zee and Bambi work has gone missing, and the girls encounter both her swimsuit-clad body and her ghost. The cottage where Three-Zee and Bambi live is trashed and the girls must find alternate accommodations. Is the culprit the handsome young lifeguard, who offers Three-Zee a temporary place to live, or is it a former nemesis come out of hiding to torment them? Then there’s the mysterious cottage in the woods. Is solving these mysteries worth the mortal peril in which the girls find themselves?
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